
Showing posts with the label training vocabulary english

Do you know the difference between At the end and In the end?

 the difference between At the end and In the end

What are informal contractions?

 Here are a few examples of informal contractions:

Everyday spoken phrasal verbs

 You can see some of the most important phrase verbs used during the day in the image below

other ways to say But Also Therefore and especially

 In this post you will get acquainted with words that help you express sentences with better meaning

good vs well

 Where should we use the good and where should we use the well  

Important formal and informal words in English

  When learning English, it’s a good idea to learn both informal and formal terms to use in different situations.⁣

The difference between Do and Make

 In this section, you can understand the difference between Do and Make in a simple and understandable way. We hope this post is useful for you.

Active Vs Passive

 In this post, you can see the difference between active and passive tenses with an example  

Conjugation verb talk

  Infinitive : to talk Past participle : talked Past: talked