What is the most practical way to learn English?

 There are many websites, books and schools that encourage you to learn grammar 

and you have to write down thousands of grammar tips and try to memorize them for years.


 The result is that you get bored and frustrated with learning English.


 But I want to introduce you to a more effective method 

and you will get acquainted with the most important part of language learning 

instead of wasting your time. 

Definitely the best way to read reputable websites like The Guardian.

 New York TimesWikipediaCNNBBC 

 And watch YouTube and Netflix videos

 Listening to New York Times podcasts is also recommended to enhance listening.




English grammar test questions with answers


 What is the easiest ways to learn English?

  What is the first step to learning English grammar?


  Why am I not learning English?


  What are the best resources for improving English skills?


  What is the best way to learn English?


 English for beginners exercises


 advanced grammar english test


 English grammar test questions with answers


 How can I study for ielts by myself?


  General english test with answers



